Tuesday, June 18, 2013

France, Tuesday 18th

Hello families,
Today is very wet, wet, wet, but kids are spending the day with their correspondents at school. Some took French classes, math, English, and witnessed the way French teachers discipline their students. Half of them went to a short play staged by students (after school program). They are now able to compare and contrast school performance. Probably the highlight of the school day will be the cafeteria (see pictures). Kids seem to all be in high spirits, and many teachers have praised their French. Apparently some even demonstrated math problems in French to the class, while others gave English lessons.
Tonight we have our big welcome party at school, with singing, and of course, a big spread of food.
It is too bad that the sun is not part of the trip, we should still have a few days of grey and rain, but the sun should be back by the end of the week.

Teachers, parents and students welcomed us officially tonight. Parents brought food, and drinks, a musical group entertained us (guitar, piano, flute, violin, singers). Teachers encouraged students (French and Americans) to sing along a few selected songs (lyrics were provided). Although most songs were in English, French kids were by far the most enthusiasts. Our kids were game for the most part, few were not the most considered and acted quite silly (need to take note of it, and revise my preparatory talk: respect). Kat was a star; her regular attendance to karaoke bars paid off!  

1 comment:

  1. Catherine - thank you for being there with the kids - and the updates (both verbal and pictures) are greatly appreciated!
